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#Joinus: As We Advocate For Cancer Patients To Have Access To Chemotherapy From Home

We want to share Sonny's story and be a voice of change for those individuals who do not have Oral Parity in their states. This allows cancer patients to be able to receive the same level of treatment at home. For example, oral chemo being covered while administering it at home rather than having to drive to a clinic or hospital. Sonny spent many hours commuting back and forth to Emory University Hospital to receive treatments. Luckily, Georgia had oral parity laws which would allow her to be able to be covered for treatments/medications she could administer at home.

A letter from LLS Senior Director of Advocacy:

Want to make today special?

As you read this, blood cancer advocates are meeting with policymakers in Washington, DC – and fighting for legislation that would help cancer patients afford the treatment their doctors recommend, no matter what form it takes. If we add our voices to this effort – right now, while these meetings are happening – we can help build support for federal oral parity legislation and ensure that more cancer patients can access the treatments they need to survive. Just dial 1-855-980-5634 to be connected with your Representative. A recording will walk you through some talking points, and we’ve also included a script below. When someone at the office picks up, just say: “Hi, I'm (name) one of your constituents from (your city). I’m calling to ask my Representative to support the Cancer Drug Parity Act to help cancer patients get the treatments their doctors recommend, no matter what form they take. 43 states have already passed laws that make cancer care fair, and now I urge Congress to do the same. Please stand with blood cancer patients and support the Cancer Drug Parity Act.” [If you want, you can tell them why this issue matters to you and your loved ones.]

This two-minute call will do so much to amplify the meetings happening on Capitol Hill today and show policymakers how much this issue means to blood cancer patients.

Please call 1-855-980-5634 today to support the Cancer Drug Parity Act and then forward this message to your friends and family and ask them to do the same.

Thanks for raising your voice for cancer patients – today and every day.


Danielle Bubnis Senior Director, Advocacy The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

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