A friend of Sonny’s mother sent this to her this morning. It seems appropriate to share it as the first of the “Month of Sonny”. She embodied both of these more than anyone I knew!!! These two words are often used by her friends when they share their memories of her. Let’s start off this July by honoring her memory by being sweet and kind to others today!!! #joinus #advocate #donate #itspersonal #joinus #lls #noonefightsalone #donatelife #Leukemiaawareness #somedayistoday #spreadkindness #besweet #beatingcanceeisinourblood #lightthenight #myerie #endbloodcancer #lymphomaawareness #bethematch #donatelife #sunflowers #spreadsunshine #teamsonnyssunshine http://pages.lightthenight.org/wpa/ErieCo18/TeamSonnysSunshine