Day 4 of the Month of Sonny: Independence and Freedom—-As a mother of a daughter you do your very best to instill the ideas of independence and the freedom of self into your child. You may not always get it right in your humanness, but you hope to allow your child the ability to be unapologetically their self. Whether by a Mother’s will or by divine ordinance, Sonny was both to the absolute fullest. Even in moments where she may have been unsure, she always put on a brave face accompanied by that beautiful smile. She knew what she wanted out of life and what she stood for. She had the freedom to figure out who she was and excelled at that too. Her independence was something to be witnessed. Even as a baby she did ALL things on her terms. In her memory, please find a way to feel free and live life independently and to the fullest. She would want that for all of us. Happy Independence Day!!! #joinus #advocate #donate #itspersonal #independence #lls #noonefightsalone #donatelife #Leukemiaawareness #somedayistoday #beunapologeticallyyou #befree #beatingcanceeisinourblood #lightthenight #myerie #endbloodcancer #lymphomaawareness #bethematch #donatelife #sunflowers #spreadsunshine #teamsonnyssunshine