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#JoinUs: Day 14 Of A Month Of Sonny—That Smile!!!

Day 14 of a Month of Sonny: That Smile!! It literally lit up every last room. I could be having a rough day and to see her smile changed it all. Add the one of a kind laugh to the mix and how could anyone around her be in a bad mood? Add the bubbly personality and you were sure to be laughing sometime soon. Her sense of humor makes me smile just thinking about some of the things she would say. Every once in a while I swear I hear her laughing; especially at me. Share your smile with someone today. Brighten up someone’s bad day, just because you can. #joinus #advocate #donate #itspersonal #smile #lls #noonefightsalone #donatelife #Leukemiaawareness #somedayistoday #spreadkindness #laughoften #beatingcanceeisinourblood #lightthenight #myerie #endbloodcancer #lymphomaawareness #bethematch #donatelife #sunflowers #spreadsunshine #teamsonnyssunshine 

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