Day 23 of a Month of Sonny: Mommy/Daughter Dancing—Some of my favorite memories of Sonny include dancing. I always had music playing and she would shake her lil butt to it. Every time we would go to the mall she would find the shoe store, put on the tap shoes and go out to the front and dance away for the entertainment of all the people who walked by. When we were in the car I could always catch her cute little baby face in the rear view mirror as she danced in her car seat and sang whatever song was playing. However, the best was when we danced together just like this. We spent may afternoons dancing to Aretha Franklin’s “RESPECT” in our living room. We would swing around the room and she would bop her lil head to the beat. Afterward she would say, “Again! Again!” What I would not give for one more twirl around any room! I am sure she danced away her birthday in Heaven!!! #joinus #advocate #donate #itspersonal #dancing #lls #mommydaughtershenanigans #donatelife #Leukemiaawareness #somedayistoday #dancingqueen #beatingcancerisinourblood #lightthenight #myerie #endbloodcancer #lymphomaawareness #bethematch #donatelife #sunflowers #spreadsunshine #teamsonnyssunshine http://pages.lightthenight.org/wpa/ErieCo18/TeamSonnysSunshine