Day 27 of a Month of Sonny: First Friendships—Sonny’s very first friend was a daughter of a very dear friend of mine. We were pregnant within months of each other. These two were inseparably adorable with all of their toddler antics. They loved to dance with diapers on their heads to “Blues Clues” while laughing hysterically. They would swim in their lil baby underpants while pouring bowls of water on their heads. As they got older life took us in similar but separate paths. They both ended up playing soccer and would often play on opposing teams and often times opposing positions. However, they always had a mutual respect for each other as players and would always pick right up from where they left off; no matter how much time had passed. I miss those days and wish I would have taken a thousand more pictures of these two together. #joinus #advocate #donate #itspersonal #firstfriends #lls #bluesclues #toddlertales #donatelife #Leukemiaawareness #beatingcancerisinourblood #lightthenight #myerie #endbloodcancer #lymphomaawareness #bethematch #donatelife #sunflowers #spreadsunshine #teamsonnyssunshine